Heat your outdoor pool - the cost is $40 per day
The number of days you are staying needs to match the quantity you buy - so if you are for 7 days you must purchase 7 of these products
Dislaimer - no refund
Electric Pool heaters work by drawing outside air in to assist the ” electric element” in heating the water. When the outside air temperature is 55 degrees or less then these heaters will not switch on at all.
When temperatures are low the pool will loose all its heat over night – if the pool heater does switch on in the morning , or if switches on later in the day when the temperature rises – it is trying to heat the water in the pool from cold. Even under normal circumstances we switch the pool heaters on 24 hours in advance because they do take 24 / 48 hours to get a pool to temperature.
During the winter months when it is colder than normal – the temperatures may not rise above 55 degrees until late morning if at all – if the heater switches on around lunch time, when the sun starts to go down and the temperature starts to drop again they will switch back off. So they may be running for 5 or 6 hours a day – but this is not enough to achieve the set temperatures – regardless of what we set them at.
An average pool is around 13,000 gallons of water – the pool heater takes in water through a one inch pipe and heats it and then sends it back to the pool. It is like adding a cup of hot water to the pool – as soon as it mixes with the 13,000 gallons of cold water it has no effect.
In addition to what the weather is doing to the water and the heaters – the pool heaters themselves are not built to cope with this demand. Like air conditioning units the pool heaters are only built with a 20 degree variance. I.e. if the water in the pool is 40 degrees the most it will be able to heat it to is 60 degrees – they are not industrial units and have a limited out put.
By purchasing the pool heat you understand and accept these terms and conditions
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